Category: News
Wildlife Management Area Closures
in NewsOTNJ is disappointed to hear about the recent actions by the DEP regarding closures within certain Wildlife Management Areas. OTNJ as well as other stakeholder groups have been in recent contact with the DEP, and in those discussions, they stressed they were planning to be open and transparent and to engage the public in their…
Pinelands Commission Update
The Pinelands Commission held their Policy and Implementation meeting today and discussed a potential resolution to create a map using the USGS Topographical Maps as a baseline of roads. Learning the lessons of the DEP MAP, they instead decided to set up a sub-committee and solicit inputs from the stakeholders on next steps. OTNJ is…
Open Trails NJ Participates in DEP Protection Project
Open Trails NJ staff participated with other groups in a small volunteer activity to protect four sensitive intermittent ponds in Wharton State Forest. This activity furthers the protection of sensitive areas without requiring mass road closures. We are thankful to the DEP for continuing to forge relationships with the stakeholder groups in their mission to…
DEP Releases New Plan for Wharton State Forest
The DEP released their new plan at the stakeholder meeting last night, which OTNJ and other stakeholder groups were a part of. The plan consists of stepping up enforcement and protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Technology and equipment, including cameras, helicopters, drones and new vehicles will be brought to bear to enforce rules that already exist…
OTNJ has teamed up with Tread Lightly!
Tread Lightly! is a national organization that promotes responsible recreation through stewardship, communication and education. Recently, some of the OTNJ staff attended a Tread Lightly! “train the trainer” course and our own Pola Galie will be giving a Tread Lightly! talk on Sunday, 4/17/16 at the Lighthouse Center for Natural Resource Education, Waretown, NJ at…
Partnership and Volunteer Efforts in Wharton State Forest
Open Trails met with the DEP this week to discuss how we can partner on volunteer efforts which will help protect Wharton State Forest, but do not involve mass road closures. When these plans are finalized and approved, we will be calling on you to help volunteer and make them successful! More to come…..
News Before the Holidays
We just wanted to check in and give you all an update before we get into the holiday hustle and bustle. We have a few exciting things going on. First, we have been incorporated! That is getting us one step closer to being able to offer OTNJ memberships and starting to plan other activities. We…
Open Trails Update
in NewsHello all! We hope you are enjoying this beginning of the Thanksgiving week. We wanted to give you an update of what we have been up to and what is coming next. While the DEP has been digesting all the input from the stakeholder and public forums, we have started to plan for our future.…
Outstanding News From the Office of the Commissioner- A clean slate!
in NewsOur friends at the NJOA have shared some excellent news from the DEP Commissioner, Bob Martin. The DEP has heard the publics voice. Effective immediately, the MAP Plan is suspended indefinitely. All roads that were recently closed that do not pose a public safety risk or expose sensitive areas will be reopened. Further, from…
Lakehurst Passes Resolution in Opposition
Lakehurst recently became the 9th town to pass a resolution opposing the M.A.P., joining Waterford, Shamong, Eastampton, Medford, Medford Lakes, Manchester, North Hanover, and Pemberton. If you are a resident of one of these towns, please take the time to email or call your mayor and council and thank them for supporting your rights.