Category: Information
Press Release from DEP
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 11, 2017 Contact: Lawrence Hajna (609) 984-1795 Robert Geist (609) 292-2994 Caryn Shinske (609) 984-1795 DEP…
Open Trails NJ Participates in DEP Protection Project
Open Trails NJ staff participated with other groups in a small volunteer activity to protect four sensitive intermittent ponds in Wharton State Forest. This activity furthers the protection of sensitive areas without requiring mass road closures. We are thankful to the DEP for continuing to forge relationships with the stakeholder groups in their mission to…
Wharton State Forest Hunter Vehicle Access Program
in InformationThe DEP has announced that they will be allowing vehicle access to two of the Enivronmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) during hunting season this year. A pass can be picked up at Atsion or Batsto offices. The passes are valid from 9/24/16 – 01/01/17. The specific ESAs that will be accessible have not been identified, but…
Update on Road Closures in Wharton State Forest
in InformationJohn Druding of Open Trails had a conference call with the Director of Parks and Forestry, Mr. Mark Texel, regarding the DEP’s plans for Wharton State Forest. Mr. Texel shared that the DEP has identified several “Environmentally Sensitive Areas” or ESAs, in which motorized vehicles are not allowed. The ESAs are mostly bogs, but do…
DEP Releases New Plan for Wharton State Forest
The DEP released their new plan at the stakeholder meeting last night, which OTNJ and other stakeholder groups were a part of. The plan consists of stepping up enforcement and protecting environmentally sensitive areas. Technology and equipment, including cameras, helicopters, drones and new vehicles will be brought to bear to enforce rules that already exist…
Update on Pinelands Commission Meeting
in InformationThe meeting went extremely well. Thanks to all who came out to support and especially those who spoke. Everyone made thoughtful, intelligent, and reasonable comments and it was clear the Commission was listening to us. The MAP opposition significantly, and visibly, outnumbered the MAP supporters. There was no action taken today and the Commission committed…
Partnership and Volunteer Efforts in Wharton State Forest
Open Trails met with the DEP this week to discuss how we can partner on volunteer efforts which will help protect Wharton State Forest, but do not involve mass road closures. When these plans are finalized and approved, we will be calling on you to help volunteer and make them successful! More to come…..
News Before the Holidays
We just wanted to check in and give you all an update before we get into the holiday hustle and bustle. We have a few exciting things going on. First, we have been incorporated! That is getting us one step closer to being able to offer OTNJ memberships and starting to plan other activities. We…
Open Trails Ideas for Wharton State Forest
in InformationAs posted about recently, Open Trails participated in the Stakeholder forums for the redevelopment of the M.A.P. plan. Leading up to this forum, we consulted with members of many different groups and developed an approach that we think all users of the forest can support, which does not involve mass closures. You can review the…
Update on MAP Plan and Stakeholder Forum
The Stakeholder forum meeting went very well. There were lots of great ideas shared and great interaction with the DEP. Also, in a show of goodwill and commitment to his word, Commissioner Martin has ordered that ALL the newly posted no motor vehicles be removed by the end of the day. HOWEVER, it is more…