Reminder of the November 5th Public Meeting on the MAP program

Just a reminder of the November 5th public meeting on the MAP program. The meeting will be held on 11/5 at 6:30 PM at Hammonton High School. We are told you are still able to register by calling 609-704-1964 or by emailing

Tell the DEP that you support their new commitment to engaging the public in their decision making around access to the forest. We are told each speaker will be limited to 3 mins. If you are coming in a group, please coordinate who will say what to maximize your speaking time.

Please emphasize the following points:

  • The public trust has been damaged and stakeholders must be engaged going forward
  • All USGS defined roads should remain open unless they meet objective, agreed upon, criteria to be closed
  • Enforcement of existing laws is paramount to solving problems in the forest
  • There is a need for community engagement- education, transparency, clean up, volunteer labor/material