Category: Uncategorized
Waterford Township becomes the fourth town to oppose the M.A.P.
More progress!! Last night, Waterford Township became the fourth town to pass a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P. plan! As those who attended the last meeting know, this was no slam dunk, however, the residents of Waterford spoke up and made themselves heard. Thanks for your hard and thanks to the council of Waterford…
Pemberton Township passes a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P.!
Tonight, Pemberton Township became the third town to pass a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P., following similar actions in Medford Lakes and Medford. This continues to demonstrate that you are being heard! Even in the towns where resolutions have not been passed yet, your attendance at recent township meetings has been meaningful and is…
From the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance
Just posted this announcement on their website related to updates on the Road Closures affecting Wharton State Forest.
Please Register With Us! You are making a difference!
We are making progress! Have you noticed that the M.A.P. now has DRAFT written on it? We are forcing the DEP to backpedal a little on their plans. However, we still need more help. The DEP is not planning on backing down and are beginning new tactics to try to force their plans on the…
Rebuttal to the DEP’s FAQ on the Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P.)
Ben Ruset of wrote an excellent rebuttal to the DEP’s FAQ about the Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P.). Please read and share! Your Forest Under Attack: MAP Misinformation from the DEP
58% or 274 Miles of Roads in Wharton Have Been Closed
In the press release from the DEP, it was almost spun as if the Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P.) expanded access. In the FAQ, it was claimed that “the majority of the roads are open”. However, the DEP has been less than honest about the extent of the road closures. An assessment was done by Open…
Sign this Petition!!
Restore Fair Access to Wharton State Forest Petition by Ben Ruset To be delivered to Bob Martin, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner, Mark Texel, Director of the State Park Servuce, The New Jersey State House, and The New Jersey State Senate CLICK HERE TO SIGN THE PETITION The sand roads in Wharton State…
Medford Passes Resolution in Opposition to the DEP’s Motorized Access Plan!
Following Medford Lakes’ lead, Medford became the second town to pass a resolution opposing the DEP’s Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P.) Township of Medford Resolution – Res 155-2015
Medford Lakes Passes Resolution Opposing the Motorized Access Plan
In a first small victory, Medford Lakes passed a resolution in opposition to the DEP’s Motorized Access Plan. They are sending copies of the resolution to all nearby municipalities. 83-15 Resolution