Category: Take Action
New Wharton State Forest Stakeholder Meeting Coming Up!
As we have heard over the last several months, the State is beginning a stakeholder engagement process to evaluate changes to access to Wharton State Forest including a map and permit system. OTNJ is considered one of the stakeholders and we will be keeping everyone informed of what we learn and how the public can…
in Take ActionPlease see our page regarding the resolution being taken up by the Pinelands Commission this Friday, July 14th. The meeting starts at 9:30 am at the Richard J. Sullivan Center for Environmental Policy and Education, Terrence D. Moore Conference Room, 15C Springfield Road, New Lisbon, New Jersey OTNJ’s position on this resolution can be found…
We need your help! Take action today!
in Take ActionThe Pinelands Commission is going to discuss the MAP on Friday, March 11th and they need to hear from you. Click here to provide your feedback. It will take less than one minute of your time. It is critically important that they hear from you! Click here to submit your comment!
Volunteer with Open Trails NJ!
in Take ActionWe are often asked “How can I help?” Effective today, Open Trails NJ is launching our committees, activity representatives and volunteer program. You can participate as little or as much as you would like. Please click here for details. Please sign up today!
Pinelands Commission CMP Policy and Implementation Committee Meeting
in Take ActionYour help is needed! There will be a meeting of the Policy and Implementation Committee of the Pinelands Commission on Friday, 1/29/16 at 9:30 AM. On the agenda is a “Discussion of DEP’s Motorized Access Plan for Wharton State Forest.” That discussion takes place right before Public Comment. This meeting is open to the public.…
Please register with us!
in Take ActionPlease register with us at If you are on mobile, the register link is at the bottom of the page. If you are on a PC/Mac, the link is in the black side bar at the bottom left of the page. Or you can click here to go directly to the registration page. Also, please follow us on…
Please Sign this Petition
in Take ActionThe DEP has agreed to hold Stakeholder forums and a public meeting on the M.A.P.; however, we are gravely concerned with their approach. Instead of following through with their commitment to truly work with the stakeholders, they are instead starting with the M.A.P., and asking the stakeholders to defend their needs to the DEP. Please…
We need your help!
in Take ActionThe DEP has indicated that many of the roads that were closed by the Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P) were either damaged or not really roads, however, we know this is not true We need your help documenting roads that are proposed to be closed but that are clear, and undamaged. Head out out to your…