Category: Archive
Pinelands Commission Update
The Pinelands Commission held their Policy and Implementation meeting today and discussed a potential resolution to create a map using the USGS Topographical Maps as a baseline of roads. Learning the lessons of the DEP MAP, they instead decided to set up a sub-committee and solicit inputs from the stakeholders on next steps. OTNJ is…
ECO EGG HUNT – 4/15 Atsion Recreation Area
What a great way to for kids to spend the day on 4/15. . . in the outdoors. Click on graphic to open pdf in new window Flyer says: Join us at Wharton State Forest’s Atsion Recreation Area for our first ever ECO EGG HUNT. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend and enjoy…
Update on MAP Plan and Stakeholder Forum
The Stakeholder forum meeting went very well. There were lots of great ideas shared and great interaction with the DEP. Also, in a show of goodwill and commitment to his word, Commissioner Martin has ordered that ALL the newly posted no motor vehicles be removed by the end of the day. HOWEVER, it is more…
Open Trails NJ to Participate in Stakeholder Forum, 10/22
Open Trails NJ will be participating in the Wharton State Forest Stakeholder Forum on 10/22. We will be advocating continued responsible use of Wharton State Forest for all outdoor enthusiasts. Some of of the key points we will be promoting are: All USGS defined roads should remain open unless they meet objective, agreed upon, criteria…
Lakehurst Passes Resolution in Opposition
Lakehurst recently became the 9th town to pass a resolution opposing the M.A.P., joining Waterford, Shamong, Eastampton, Medford, Medford Lakes, Manchester, North Hanover, and Pemberton. If you are a resident of one of these towns, please take the time to email or call your mayor and council and thank them for supporting your rights.
Closing Roads is a Failed Policy
In all the township meetings and newspaper articles, the DEP has been quick to show pictures of Jemima Mount, using it as an example of why roads must be closed to prevent impact to the forest. But did you know that Jemima Mt. has been closed to motorized vehicles for well over a decade? Ironically, the…
Front Page Article in the Burlington County Times
Please see this front page article in the Burlington County Times. Starting to get some recognition about the concerns with the DEP’s approach. Burlington County Times Article
2 More Towns Pass Resolutions in Opposition
It has been another great week in the fight against the M.A.P. Two more towns, Shamong and Eastampton, passed resolutions opposing the M.A.P., joining Waterford, Medford, Medford Lakes, Manchester, North Hanover, and Pemberton. If you are a resident of one of these towns, please take the time to email or call your mayor and council and…
Stakeholder and Public Meetings Regarding the MAP
Important update: The date of the public forum has been posted to the Wharton State Forest home page. It will be on Thursday, November 5th at 6:30 PM at Hammonton High School. Despite it being a “Public” forum, you still have to register by calling 609 704 1964 or email before 10/28 to be…
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