Author: jdruding

  • Wharton Usage Survey Released

    The Wharton usage survey has been released! There are only 30 days to submit your input (Closes 10/28). PLEASE take your time and be as detailed as possible with your submission. Important Tips: Mark as many locations as possible but DO NOT just “circle the whole map” Do you record your tracks in a GPS…

  • Recording of 9/27 Virtual Meeting has been posted

    The recording of the stakeholder meeting has been released. If you have not seen this, you need to watch it and get ready to provide feedback within 30 days. In the coming days, OTNJ will provide some guidance and resources on how you can help. Keep an eye on our page for details. We also…

  • New Wharton State Forest Stakeholder Meeting Coming Up!

    As we have heard over the last several months, the State is beginning a stakeholder engagement process to evaluate changes to access to Wharton State Forest including a map and permit system. OTNJ is considered one of the stakeholders and we will be keeping everyone informed of what we learn and how the public can…

  • Wildlife Management Area Closures

    OTNJ is disappointed to hear about the recent actions by the DEP regarding closures within certain Wildlife Management Areas. OTNJ as well as other stakeholder groups have been in recent contact with the DEP, and in those discussions, they stressed they were planning to be open and transparent and to engage the public in their…

  • Pinelands Commission Update

    The Pinelands Commission held their Policy and Implementation meeting today and discussed a potential resolution to create a map using the USGS Topographical Maps as a baseline of roads. Learning the lessons of the DEP MAP, they instead decided to set up a sub-committee and solicit inputs from the stakeholders on next steps. OTNJ is…

  • Open Trails NJ Participates in DEP Protection Project

    Open Trails NJ staff participated with other groups in a small volunteer activity to protect four sensitive intermittent ponds in Wharton State Forest. This activity furthers the protection of sensitive areas without requiring mass road closures. We are thankful to the DEP for continuing to forge relationships with the stakeholder groups in their mission to…

  • Wharton State Forest Hunter Vehicle Access Program

    The DEP has announced that they will be allowing vehicle access to two of the Enivronmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) during hunting season this year. A pass can be picked up at Atsion or Batsto offices. The passes are valid from 9/24/16 – 01/01/17. The specific ESAs that will be accessible have not been identified, but…

  • Erosion Prevention at Jemima Mount

    Now that the heat of summer is breaking, we plan to get back out to Jemima Mount to complete the project we started there. We will finish filling the trenches with deadfall to prevent further erosion. We will also be extending one of the railings to prevent go arounds. The first part of the project…

  • Protecting Jemima Mount- An OTNJ Sponsored Volunteer Project

    One of the lightning rod issues in the battle over the MAP was the damage that has been done at Jemima Mount. It was used an example and pictured in nearly every newspaper article about the MAP. Ironically, Jemima Mount had already been closed to motor vehicles for well over a decade. However, no other…