Month: March 2017
Pinelands Commission Update
The Pinelands Commission held their Policy and Implementation meeting today and discussed a potential resolution to create a map using the USGS Topographical Maps as a baseline of roads. Learning the lessons of the DEP MAP, they instead decided to set up a sub-committee and solicit inputs from the stakeholders on next steps. OTNJ is…
ECO EGG HUNT – 4/15 Atsion Recreation Area
What a great way to for kids to spend the day on 4/15. . . in the outdoors. Click on graphic to open pdf in new window Flyer says: Join us at Wharton State Forest’s Atsion Recreation Area for our first ever ECO EGG HUNT. Children of all ages are encouraged to attend and enjoy…
Open Trails NJ Participates in DEP Protection Project
Open Trails NJ staff participated with other groups in a small volunteer activity to protect four sensitive intermittent ponds in Wharton State Forest. This activity furthers the protection of sensitive areas without requiring mass road closures. We are thankful to the DEP for continuing to forge relationships with the stakeholder groups in their mission to…