Month: December 2015
Volunteer Activity at Double Trouble State Park
Date: January 23, 2016 Time: Tentatively 9:00 AM, temperature permitting. Location: Double Trouble State Forest The State Park Service asked OTNJ to pass along this important volunteer opportunity. Note: this is not the OTNJ activity we mentioned in an earlier post, more to follow on that as soon as it is approved. There is a…
Partnership and Volunteer Efforts in Wharton State Forest
Open Trails met with the DEP this week to discuss how we can partner on volunteer efforts which will help protect Wharton State Forest, but do not involve mass road closures. When these plans are finalized and approved, we will be calling on you to help volunteer and make them successful! More to come…..
News Before the Holidays
We just wanted to check in and give you all an update before we get into the holiday hustle and bustle. We have a few exciting things going on. First, we have been incorporated! That is getting us one step closer to being able to offer OTNJ memberships and starting to plan other activities. We…