Month: September 2015
Stakeholder and Public Meetings Regarding the MAP
Important update: The date of the public forum has been posted to the Wharton State Forest home page. It will be on Thursday, November 5th at 6:30 PM at Hammonton High School. Despite it being a “Public” forum, you still have to register by calling 609 704 1964 or email before 10/28 to be…
Excellent Op Ed Article from the Hammonton Gazette
Op Ed article from the Hammonton Gazette: Public input, compromise needed on forest access!opinion1/cg8d
New Article from
A must read from, separating the truth and fiction behind the opposition to the Wharton SF Motorized Access Plan and the wide variety of people joining and supporting our efforts for fair access.
Two More Towns Pass Resolutions in Opposition to the M.A.P.
This week, two more towns, Manchester and North Hanover, passed resolutions opposing the M.A.P.! This brings the total number of towns opposing the M.A.P. to 6, joining Medford Lakes, Medford, Waterford and Pemberton.
Bass River Council Meeting
We continue to make progress in our fight for fair and continued access to Wharton State Forest. A resolution wasn’t passed, but about 100 outdoor enthusiasts attended the Bass River town council meeting last night and spoke up for what they believe in. We went from the MAP being implemented with signs posted and roads…
Open Trails NJ presents at Medford Lakes Council Meeting
in NewsOn Thursday, 9/10, Open Trails NJ was given an opportunity to present at the Medford Lakes Town Council meeting. We made the following key points: The Motorized Access Plan (M.A.P.) closes 58%, or 274 miles, of the road and trail network to motorized vehicles – many of which have been used for decades The MAP…
Waterford Township becomes the fourth town to oppose the M.A.P.
More progress!! Last night, Waterford Township became the fourth town to pass a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P. plan! As those who attended the last meeting know, this was no slam dunk, however, the residents of Waterford spoke up and made themselves heard. Thanks for your hard and thanks to the council of Waterford…
Pemberton Township passes a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P.!
Tonight, Pemberton Township became the third town to pass a resolution in opposition to the M.A.P., following similar actions in Medford Lakes and Medford. This continues to demonstrate that you are being heard! Even in the towns where resolutions have not been passed yet, your attendance at recent township meetings has been meaningful and is…